Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Random Quote.

As the title says, this is a random quote. From Doctor Who. Of course. Even though it's random, I find it sort of...inspirational. Here it is:
"Not impossible...Just a bit unlikely!"
The meaning in the show is completely different, but I take can really relate it to my writing. "Not impossible, just a bit unlikely--" isn't that what all authors are? I don't know if this really makes a ton of sense, but I think you know what I mean. When we right, we're creating impossible world from word--but for us, they aren't impossible. When we weave together words and create a new universe (because really, that's what all stories are), well, that's a rare and special thing, to put the words together so perfectly that they form our little worlds. For others, this may be impossible--but for us? No--sometimes, it's just a bit unlikely that everything works out so perfectly that we've created a world out of words. But never--NEVER--impossible.
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
P.S. the picture above is from the episode where they said the quote, twice--once in reference to The Doctor, once in reference to his daughter, Jenny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool! I feel inspired all ready!