Friday, November 4, 2011

It's been too long

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted! This time, I have a valid excuse: I've been grounded. Of course, I wasn't grounded in the usual sense: I was still allowed to hang out with my friends and all that. I was still aloud to text and talk on the phone. Because you see, my parents know me too well. They know how to torture me: They blocked blogging from my computer. I haven't been able to view any blogs for a month now. Actually, I don't know if it was a month, but it sure seemed that way...

Anyways, I'm back now! And I'm determined not be be so solemn in my posts. A while ago, I wanted my blog to take on a more mature and composed tone, but what's the point? Yes, I'm sad sometimes. A lot of the time. Why dwell on it? Why make other people feel bad for me, or just feel generally depressed after reading my blog? What's the point in that? My blog is suppose to be a place of randomness, where I can spaz and have fun and other obsessive spazzy random people can have fun, too. Because in the end, I have two sides to me: The random, fun-loving, always-laughing, spazzy side of me, and the solemn, dark, depressed side of me. When I concentrate on one side, I start to lose the other, and that's not something I want to do. I want to find the perfect harmony in between my spazzy and my dark sides. It will be hard, but I have faith in myself. I can do it.

Yes, I'll still be honest when I'm sad. I'll tell you guys. I'll let you know what's going on. But I'm not going to purposely dwell on that. I'm going to try to concentrate on my random side, too. If I didn't, I wouldn't be true to myself.

Well, that's all for now, I suppose.