Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Probably the Best Day of my life

Well, I can cross something big off my bucket list. I can cross the two most important people off of my "people I must meet" list. Why? Because today, I MET MATT SMITH AND KAREN GILLAN, MY FAVORITE DOCTOR/COMPANION, AND MY HEROES!!!!!!!! Both were super nice and I loved talking to them. They signed the inside of my fez, which officially makes me the owner of the coolest fez ever. And they signed my brother's noise-making replica of the TARDIS. And they even held my bro's favorite sonic--a replica of River's from the episode "Silence in the Library." This was definitely one of the best days of my life. Matt and Karen, I hope I get the chance to meet you again, because you both are so sweet and I'd love to spend more time with you. If you ever read this, there are a few things I wanted to tell you but couldn't because I ran out of time: I know you hear this a lot, but I am the biggest Whovian on the West Coast of America. I told you I spend all my time thinking about Doctor Who, and that's absolutely true. I simply can't imagine a life without Doctor Who. You guys really improved my life, and at a time when my thoughts were darkest, you brought a bucket of happiness into my life. Thank you so much. I told you you were my favorite Doctor and Companion, and that's more than true. You are MY Doctor. Amy Pond is the companion who, if it were possible, would be my best friend. You might recall that my shirt read "You never forget your first Doctor." Well, that's absolutely true, and Matt, YOU were my first Doctor. There may be twenty Doctors by the time I grow up, but the fact will always remain that you were my first and my favorite. Hopefully, by that time I will have fulfilled my dream of writing for Doctor Who. Whoever the Doctor is at that point, I will never forget the Matt Smith years, and will always try to bring a touch of that back into my writing. Thank you for all that you have given me--not just happiness, but inspiration for my writing, something that means almost as much to me as Doctor Who does. Thank you, Matt and Karen. Thank you.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter--my first love affair

If you had to chose one word to describe me, it would probably be "obsessive." Doctor Who, Star Wars, Percy Jackson...you've seen my obsessions grow and fade and change. But what started it all? What was my very first obsession?

You might also chose the word "writer," to describe me (that is, if you know me very well). Anyone who has spent lots of time around me knows that I spend an average of two to four hours a day writing--minimum. But it wasn't always like that. I can remember a time when I hated writing. What launched my life as a writer?

Harry Potter.

My love affair with Harry Potter began at age 6. Back then, I avoided writing like the plague. I also avoided a large thick book called "Harry Potter." When I was five, I saw the first movie. Terrified of the scenes with Voldy, I refused to read the book--though, already an avid reader, the long chapters, beautiful binding,and thick width called out to me. Still, a timid girl (not at all a Gryffindor), I was afraid, and simply did not want to risk being frightened by the story.

Near the end of Kindergarten, Order of the Phoenix came out. My mum and dad paid no attention to me the night the book came out, each reading their own copy. Climbing on to the couch next to my dad, I asked him to read it to me. He obliged. After the first chapter, I realized it wasn't too scary after all, and decided to read the first book.

I can still remember the look on my school librarian's face on the first day of first grade library.
"Excuse me, where are the Harry Potter books?"
"Aren't you a little young to read those books?"
"Yes, well, I'm reading the third one at home with my Mummy, but I really want to read ahead at school."
From that moment on, I was "Harry Potter girl." Everyone at school knew me as that. No one dared to rival my obsession with HP. I played Harry Potter during recess with my friends, wore cloaks to school nearly every day, drew lightning bolts on my notebooks, and even signed my name as Hermione on school papers. In fifth grade, when everyone else began to read the lengthy books, I was the one they came to when they couldn't find the Harry Potter books in the school library.

What does this all have to do with my writing, you might ask. Recall that in Kindergarten, I despised writing. When I completed the first Harry Potter book, my life changed. I wanted to spin a story, just as Joanne Rowling had. I wanted to change a girl's life through my words, just as she had.

Now, writing defines who I am.

Sadly, the tales of Harry Potter now come to a close. I saw the almost-midnight premiere (12:00 was sold out, so we saw it at 12:35) this morning, and the movie was beautiful and fabulous and dramatic and special, just like it should be. I don't cry during movies, ever. But I did cry during this one. Just like when I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the first time, it was the first book to ever make me cry.

I'll hold on to Ravenclaw scarf and sweater, my old, much-to-short Hogwarts Robe, my wand, my time-turner, my broomsticks, my owl and her Harry Potter-style cage forever, because if obsessions define who I am, then Harry Potter defines me more than anything else. My first obsession. My first me.

Long live Harry Potter.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Torchwood. Was. Epic!!!! I prefer "old Torchwood," but still, it was amazing!!! Go Jack!!!! Seriously, I am so obsessed with Captain Jack Harkness, he is a funny, intelligent, charming, and (to tell ya the truth) really hot character!!!!! I love Jack Harkness!!!!! The actor who brings Jack to life, John Barrowman, is my third favorite actor, just after Matt Smith and David Tennant, of course. He's epic!!!!! Sadly, comic con is all sold out this year, or else I'd get to go and see him and the rest of the Torchwood team. gtg now, be back soon, bye!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Ooops...sorry :)

I know, I know...it's been a very long time since I last posted. I'm sorry! I really am. I can't actually excuse myself by saying life has been busy, because it hasn't. I've just been too preoccupied with my Doctor Who things to think of posting. I've had things to say to you guys, I've just not actually said them...

Well, first off, I'd like to mention AHSOKA'S-BIGGEST-FAN. Sadly, her wonderful fan fiction, a Not-So-Normal Week, is coming to an end. I'd like to take this moment to congratulate her on her fabulous and funny composition, and to let her know that I for one will never say no to another chapter, if she feels like writing one. Great job, ABF. I hope you continue to post on the Council of Ahsoka, you're one of the most frequent commenters and we all enjoy your randomness :)

Next, I'd like to point out the awesomess that is the Doctor Who episode, "A Good Man Goes to War." It was brilliant in every way. I loved discovering River Song's identity, though {Spoilers!} I find it just plain weird that the tenth Doctor met Amy Pond's daughter. Weird in a good way, of course, but still...weird. Anyone agree?

Well, I actually must go now (I'm on my way to dinner), but I would just like to say: thank you to anyone out there reading this. It really means a lot to me. Thank you so much. I'd really like to know who's out there reading this, so please comment if you're there. Thanks!

Peace, Love, and Gallifrey,
Pond :)

P.S. Harry Potter 7 part 2 in just 7 short days! Hooray!