Sunday, May 20, 2012

Solar Eclipse

For those of you here in California, you're probably excited for the solar eclipse that will be occurring at 5:25 this afternoon (if you're in LA). In celebration of this event (yes, I get worked up about astronomy--deal with it)--I'd like to give a little demonstration as to how a solar eclipse works:
As you can see, a solar eclipse occurs whenever Princess Luna has had too much sugar and decides to mess with her sister. This event is quite rare, as oftentimes Luna's common sense kicks in and reminds her that if she bugs her sister she'll probably be banished to the moon for another 1,000 years. Have fun watching the eclipse! And don't forget to thank Luna and Celestia for this fantastic occurrence!

Friday, May 4, 2012

I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't posted in SO LONG. And SO MUCH has happened. I met Tara Strong and Meghan McCarthy. If you don't know who they are, look them up RIGHT NOW!!!! That was amazing and awesome and incredible. I preformed at my school's talent show. That was scary. Really scary. But I'm happy with how everything turned out. Miss Jennaynay did brilliantly of course, but that was to be expected :D I received my video from none other than the brilliant Alex Day himself. It was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I won't go into details... Tomorrow we're filming the first episode of ABANDONED, a TV series I've created. I'm excited, yet nervous. Still, I think it's going to be pretty epic. I'll let ya know more later ;)