Friday, July 8, 2011

Ooops...sorry :)

I know, I's been a very long time since I last posted. I'm sorry! I really am. I can't actually excuse myself by saying life has been busy, because it hasn't. I've just been too preoccupied with my Doctor Who things to think of posting. I've had things to say to you guys, I've just not actually said them...

Well, first off, I'd like to mention AHSOKA'S-BIGGEST-FAN. Sadly, her wonderful fan fiction, a Not-So-Normal Week, is coming to an end. I'd like to take this moment to congratulate her on her fabulous and funny composition, and to let her know that I for one will never say no to another chapter, if she feels like writing one. Great job, ABF. I hope you continue to post on the Council of Ahsoka, you're one of the most frequent commenters and we all enjoy your randomness :)

Next, I'd like to point out the awesomess that is the Doctor Who episode, "A Good Man Goes to War." It was brilliant in every way. I loved discovering River Song's identity, though {Spoilers!} I find it just plain weird that the tenth Doctor met Amy Pond's daughter. Weird in a good way, of course, but still...weird. Anyone agree?

Well, I actually must go now (I'm on my way to dinner), but I would just like to say: thank you to anyone out there reading this. It really means a lot to me. Thank you so much. I'd really like to know who's out there reading this, so please comment if you're there. Thanks!

Peace, Love, and Gallifrey,
Pond :)

P.S. Harry Potter 7 part 2 in just 7 short days! Hooray!


Anonymous said...

heyyy I'm reading this! keep up the good work anna!(:no

Anonymous said...

I'm also a fan of Not-so-normal-week. I'm very sad that she's not going to continue it.