Monday, January 24, 2011

Pears and Bananas

"An number five--very important! Five! DON'T let me eat pears. I HATE pears. John Smith is a character I made up, but I won't know that. I'll think I am him, and he might do something stupid like eat a pear! In three months I don't want to wake up from being human tasting that!!!"
Even for those of you who watch DW, this quote may not make a lot of sense. But you know that episode, "Human Nature?" You know when Martha's looking through that list of instructions and fast-forwards 4-22? Well, David Tennant of course had to actually film that fast-forwarding part. And this is what he says. Also:
"And on to six, now I have to talk for 'round about a minute without hesitation, deviation, and whatever that other thing is, it's like that game-show on channel four, that Rory just pointed out. However, I'm now going to move on to number seven, and talk about my other favorite band...I don't know if anyone remembers [them], but the best gig I ever went to was at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Center, in about December, 1990, and [they] played, and it was, quite simply, the best gig I've ever been to. They split up, soon after, so I don't know what that tells you about that particular event. I'm sitting in the TARDIS now, and I'm going to end up soon, but first I'm going to make a few random noises with my mouth, like: [makes random noises]."
I'll post the actually video when I get home, I'm at my Grandma's house right now and I have to go.
Peace, Love, and Olympus,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the video!!