Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Theory!!!

Oh. My. God. Jill, you are a genius!!! My friend, Jill, today came up with a BRILLIANT theory concerning River Song that I am now adopting. Her theory is that River is Jenny, the Doctor's daughter. At first, it seems a bit odd. But then, you begin to piece it together in your head. The Doctor and River keep meeting in the wrong order. We know that Jenny is stuck in the same time stream with no TARDIS--and River is almost ALWAYS in the fifty-first century, until she gets her Vortex Manipulator. The planet on which the "Byzantium" crashed was a planet that had been uninhabited until they terreformed the surface. Then, suddenly, there were thousands of colonists--much like Nessaline, the planet Jenny was born on. And, most importantly, RIVER KNOWS THE DOCTOR'S NAME. At the end of "Forest of the Dead," or whatever that episode is called, the Doctor says to River, "but you knew my name, you whispered my name in my ear, there is only one reason I could ever tell anyone my name!" His look of disbelief is tremendous as he says these words. Keep in mind, the Doctor thinks that Jenny is dead. And, before she dies, River said to the Doctor, "You watch us run." Jenny said "And lots of running!" after she decides to follow in her father's footsteps and explore the universe. You see, it totally connects.

Now, the ONE piece that doesn't make sense is that by the looks of the trailers, the Doctor is going to meet River for the "first time" in America, in the past. How'd she get there? Ah, but then again, in DW, they writers can do anything they want. And Jenny is a Time-Lord, so she's probably clever enough to create her own Vortex Manipulator--though probably one that burns out, as she steals one in the future (well, her future, our past :)) It wouldn't be surprising--Jack's burnt out, and his was an official Time Agency Vortex Manipulator.

Anyways, discuss! This new theory is great!!! Thanks, Jill, for bringing this to my attention!!!!!!
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
P.S. I saw this background and thought that it looked a bit like some scenes in DW (ex: opening of the Eleventh Hour), so I decided to use it as my background. Hope it's a bit easier to read now.)

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