Friday, December 24, 2010

Hello! Thanks to my newest follower! It's good to finally have a follower who actually watches Doctor Who!

Speaking of that, have you seen the one...oh, what was it was in season four, let me think...I forget what it's called but it's the one where The Doctor and Donna are on vacation and that thing gets on board the shuttle bus and gets into the Doctor's know which one that is? I was just watching it, it's one of my favorites. Wasn't it good? I was really exited to see "Turn Left," but it was actually really hard to watch. Basically Donna saved everything by being Donna and turning left when her mom wanted her to go right. Wow. The other day I had a little marathon on Netflix and watched every single episode from season 4. When I saw the second episode in the season, I nearly jumped. Donna tapped on the back of a girl with blond hair and a purple jacket and said "a lady's gonna walk by, she's tall and has blonde hair, her name is Sylvia. Tell her that bin there, it will make sense to her." At first, you only see the blond girl's back, but I knew who she was even before she turned around. Rose, which of course was impossible. I already knew that she escaped the parallel universe, but I was so shocked. Then, in "The Poison Sky," you see her again, just for a second on the TARDIS's screen. And finally, on that one I was talking about in the beginning, you see Rose again, on the screen of the shuttle bus, going "Doctor! Doctor!" but his back is turned and he doesn't see her, which is depressing. Interesting, huh? I mean, even when you already know how it all turns out, it's interesting.

Anyways, it's time to go to my Grandma's house for Christmas eve. Oh--and I forgot to mention, happy solstice! Well, happy belated solstice, it was three days ago...
Peace, Love, and Olympus,

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