Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Harry Potter rocked, and now I'm the computor lab due to a gas leak in the "gym" which is really just a huge warehouse thing.

I saw Harry Potter the day it came out but for some reason I have forgotten to tell you guys until now!!! How weird is that??? So basically it was awesome, closely followed the book (although at the point where Hermione read from The Tale of the Three Brothers I found myself going "That word isn't right" but of course that's just me), and the special effects were awesome. Anyways, I'm at school right now so I have to go. Oh wait, Coach just said we have ten minutes left. We're in the computor lab for P.E. because they're is a gas leak. Yay for the gas leak! We had to do this little project on our favorite famous athlete (I had to google famous athletes cuz i'm pretty oblivious in that area of knowledge) and then we were done, so I went on to the BBC website and looked up random Doctor Who stuff, but there was no new stuff, so I went here! Okay, well, even though we still have seven minutes left I really don't have anything left to write...sigh...everyone is looking at the randomest videos and pictures and I'm just sitting here writing my blog LOL. Most of the kids were like "what's a blog" lol OBLIVIOUS!!! They think they're so cool nd that I'm a geek but I think theyre wrong blogging is the coolest thing ever other then writing! Plus I am a geek so they have to learn to deal with it!!! Oh, I just remembered I have homework for Girl Scouts (anyone else have a Girl Scout leader who gives homework?) so I'd better get on that because we still have four minutes left and it's not like I'll have time to do it at home. Ahhhh three minutes left!

Peace, Love, and Olympus,


Unknown said...

You have a Wattpad, right?

Talia said...

Harry Potter could be easily summed in one word. EPIC. Haha =) Lots of lovE<3