Friday, December 24, 2010

A DW Viewer's Guide for A DW Non-Viewer

Okay I found the title of the episode I was talking about, it's called "Midnight." And also, somehow, I've forgotten to thank Melissa for following me!!!! Melissa, thank you! Have you worked on your Silver Award project yet ;) I haven't! :)

I am sososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososo
excited--starting at midnight tonight, an all-day Doctor Who marathon will be on BBC America!!!!!! It will end with the Doctor Who 2010 Christmas special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can bet I'll be in front of the TV from the time the marathon starts to when I have to go to my aunt's house for Christmas :). And I'll stay up as long as it takes to see the Christmas special, as we're recording it and we probably won't get home till about 10. I don't know where the marathon is starting, or if it's only going to be the previous Christmas Special, but...I would recommend anyone reading this blog right now who is interested in starting to watch Doctor Who should watch some of this, cuz it will give at least a little background information. Look out for these episodes:
1) School Reunion
2) the Girl in the Fireplace
3) Army of Ghosts/Doosmsday
4) The Runaway Bride
5) The Shakespeare Code
6) Partners in Crime
7) The Doctor's Daughter
8) Midnight
11) Turn Left
12) The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
13) End of Time part 1 & 2
14) The Eleventh Hour
15) The Beast Below
16) Victory of the Daleks
17) Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
18) The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
These are pretty much all of my favorites--and believe me, this is only a small portion.
There aqre some I wouldn't recomend seeing without seeing others: for example, here are some that go together:
Doomsday/The Runaway Bride/Partners in Crime
Midnight/Turn Left (these two do not seem connected; in fact, they are inverse, Midnight being "companion-lite" and Turn Left being "Doctor-lite." Also, there is a few seconds in Midnight that connect to Turn Left, which you will understand once you see them)
End of Time part 1&2/The Eleventh Hour

Okay, that's my little guide to Doctor Who!!!

Peace, Love, and Olympus,

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