Thursday, November 11, 2010

Old Doctor Who episodes

Right now I'm watching episode 13 of season 4 of Doctor Who. It's actually pretty good...though it's the tenth Doctor, who is NOT as cool as the eleventh Doctor (the elventh Doctor is so cool he can wear a bow-tie and it actually looks good :)) Anyways, I don't mind the tenth Doctor as much as I used to...despite the fact that he's protrayed by David Tennant, who also played Barty Crouch Jr in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, he's pretty cool...not that he could EVER come close to the eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith). Wait...WEIRD THOUGHT...if David Tennant was in HP, doesn't that connect Doctor Who and Harry Potter, just as Rick Riordan standing next to the TARDIS connects Doctor Who and Percy Jackson???'s actually happening. The worlds that I love are connecting in subtle ways...but will those ways grow bigger??? I think so--I HOPE so. Because if that's true...well, it's too hard to explain, too weird to be true. I mean, these are probably just coincedinces. What else could they be, truthfully? But if I'm right...well, if I'm right, than my life, and the life of every other obsessive, imaginitive writer like me, will change for good. My theory is...incomplete. I'M not even sure what exactly I'm talking about. HOWEVER...I just know that if this is REALLY happening, which it's probably not, but if it is...the worlds are about to change :)

I know this can'tr be real. But it's fun to dream :)

Peace, Love, and Olympus,

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