Sunday, November 14, 2010

Doctor Who - Unreleased Music - Track 1 - Next Stop Everything

I. Love. This. Song. It's my favorite song ever! It beats Across the Stars and Fireworks and Flight of the Order of the's AWESOME! It's so dramatic, it just fills me up with excitement until it feels like I'm flying...know what I mean? As you've probably guessed (from the picture) this is pretty much the theme song for Season 5 of Doctor Who. It appears many times in all of the episodes...starting in the episode called "the Eleventh Hour" where the Doctor meets Amy.

While we're on the subject of Doctor Who (as always), Yesterday there was a huge Doctor Who marathon to celebrate the DVD release of Season 5 in America...that means Season 6 will be here soon. YAY!!!!!!! Anyways, there was only one episode that I hadn't seen, "The Beast Below." Oh yeah, and "The End of Time" part one and two, but those are from Season 4 so they don't count. Anyways I was really surprised because the Doctor was shouting at Amy...and it doesn't work like that, The Doctor NEVER shouts at Amy. Then I realized that though it was four episodes for us and fourteen years of Amy, it had only been one day for The Doctor and this was how his day was spent:

(for dramatic affect read this next part while playing the video :))

He gets a prophecy that he's going to die; the world is about to end; The Master comes back (that's bad); he runs into Donna's grandfather (Donna was the companion before Amy); They're captured by The Master; every human on the planet is turned into a replica of The Master except for Donna's Grandfather (he was in a safety chamber) and Donna herself (she's part Time-Lord); Donna begins to remember who the Doctor is and that she's part Time-Lord (if she remembers her mind will blow up); The Master goes after Donna; Everyone escapes; a few of the Time-Lords are brought back but so is the planet of Gallifrey and Gallifrey will crush the earth; The Doctor has to kill all the Time-Lords (again) making him the Last of the Time-Lords (again); Donna forgets everything (again); The Doctor starts to regenerate; he doesn't want to regenerate, he wants to stay the way he is; the TARDIS crashes; he meets a seven-year-old girl named Amelia Pond; he eats fish-custard (which Matt Smith said he had to actually eat and which he said was delicious...ew); the TARDIS threatens to leave without him, so he takes it for a five-minute hop into the future; he accedently goes twelve years into the future; a twenty-one year old woman hits him with a stick, then hand-cuffs him to a chair; there is a monster (typical, right?); he realizes that the twenty-one year old girl who hit him with a stick in indeed Amelia Pond (now Amy) and she tells him that she kept biting people because they told her The Doctor wasn't real; his sonic brakes; the TARDIS won't let him in; he has twenty minutes to save the planet from being incinerated without a sonic or a TARDIS; he saves the world (and along the way he picks up a bowtie, which he says is "cool"); he takes Amy with him in the TARDIS; they go WAAAAAY into the future; Amy accidently votes to hurt a star-whale (but she can't remember doing it); he has to chose between saving the last star-whale or saving all the humans in England; he thinks the only option is to turn the star-whale into a vegitable...oh, and he can totally relate to the star-whale because as Amy says, they're both "really old, really kind, and the last of their kind"

So...yeah...kind of a stressful day for the Doctor. No wonder he gets a bit mad at Amy, though like I said, it's not supposed to work that way.

Hope you enjoyed the song, and hope you didn't think my post was too tedious to read :)
Peace, Love, and Olympus,

1 comment:

Elf said...

I love this song, too...usually, i listen to it while doing HW. And just to let you know, the video apparently "doesn't exist"