Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Define Normal

I just read a great book "Define Normal." The book itself was awesome, but it's really the message in the TITLE that gets to me. Here's my conclusion:

There is no such thing as normal. If there were a such things, we'd all be clones. But guess what? We're not. We're all different. We're all "weird." And for those people who paint themselves another color to fit in, those who are completely immersed in the trivial nonsense of pop-culture, well...they're not "normal" at all, they've simply altered their own uniqueness to fit a cookie-cutter mold that they think has been set for them by the standers of the population. In a way, these are the least "normal" people of all (though they consider themselves the most "normal")because they have taken the gifts and uniqueness God gave them and have completely changed them, not in a way to better themselves, but to make themselves, to use their term "cooler." They think that the entire world is based off of a popularity hierarchy. Well, it's not. Ah well, these are the people who aren't going to succeed in the REAL world, where you're knowledge of Justin Beiber doesn't count for anything.

Peace, Love, Olympus,

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