Saturday, September 3, 2011

I am bored.

I. AM. BORED. Sigh. 6 hours and 7 minutes until the next Doctor Who episode. And it's not even going to be a good one. I mean, it will, because it's Doctor Who and therefore it's awesome. But it's supposedly "the scariest episode of Doctor Who ever," and I so don't buy that. I mean, no offense Gatiss, but really, "The Unquiet Dead" and "The Idiot Lantern" where neither scary nor excellent. "Victory of the Daleks" was pretty good, I'll give you that. But I'm still mad about that cliff hanger at the end of Sherlock, and that episode was written by you. So anyways. Bored. So. Bored. Boooooooooooored. Still bored. You know, some teachers say "boredom is not a result of circumstance, it is a result of attitude." I do not agree. When you're stuck at home with nothing on TV, nothing to do online, can't go out of the house because you can't drive, and can't have friends over because "the house is messy," and can't even do homework because you don't have any, the believe me, you'll get bored. Oh look, now it's only 6 hours and 5 minutes until the next Who episode. Well, that's good, I guess. I actually do have homework, and it's science homework, so at least I have something mind-stimulating to do. Guess what we have to do? Observe a leaf. Oh yeah. A leaf. And believe it or not, after the boredom I've been experiencing all week, that was a fun lab. I got to describe a leaf. Yay. So. BORED! Well, better go finish up my Leaf Lab. After that, I'll go to sleep. Sleeping is SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING than this boredom. ANd after that maybe I'll watch Doctor Who. An episode with Donna. Maybe "Fire of Pompeii." Karen Gillan is in that one. And we're learning about Pompeii in history this month.

Oh, by the way, I hate running. I'm sure that sounds completely random to you, but I'm leading up to something. See, my parents just got an Eliptical, and at first I though that would be lame because I hate running, but actually it's pretty fun. And more importantly, it helps me think. Some people think best when they're completely still and nothing around them is moving. I think best when I'm in motion, It's weird, cos I hate exercise. A lot. But still, running on that epiptical--slowly, of course--helps me think. Well. Time to do my homework. Maybe then I won't be so bored. SO. BORED.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

calm down gurlll, ur boredom will come to an end. school is tmrw and i shall see you then!:D and yaaa im bored:// well i did my leaf lab in like five boring rawr. and waaatt ?! in history?!:D can't wait to learn about that!!! woohoo GO HUNGER GAMES!YAAAA