Thursday, July 1, 2010

Star Wars-ness

I'm still in my Star Wars phase. I'm boardering on obsessive with this. On a scale from one to ten, one meaning I don't like Star Wars and 10 meaning I'm a rabidly fanatical fan, I'm pretty much a nine.

Anyways, on the subject of Star Wars, today I watched Star Wars episode II. It's by far my favorite of the movies. I love the scene where Anikan and Obi-Wan are chasing Zam Weasle through Coruscant. They say so many funny things in that scene. My favorite:
Obi-Wan: Pull up, Anakin! PULL UP!
Anikan: *laughs*
Obi-Wan: You know I don't like it when you do that.
Anikan: Sorry, Master, I forgot you don't like flying.
Obi-Wan: I don't mind flying; what you're doing is suicide!

And of course, later we learn that Obi-Wan was lying. He HATES flying.

Obi-Wan: *trying to avoid blasterfire* This is why I hate flying!!!

My favorite line in the whole movie, though, has to be when Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan are in the arena.

Anakin: I re-transmitted your message exactly as you instructed, Master...And then we decided to go rescue you.
Obi-Wan: *looks up at chains on hands* Good job.

I am aware that by now you probably think I'm a totally geek. Really, I'm not. But when I like something, I REALLY like it.

In more Star Wars news, I read the last Jedi Quest, which rocked...although Anakin started to creep me out, so I demoted him to fifth-favorite-character, after Siri, Darra, Obi-Wan, and Soara. After all, he *SPOILER ALERT* left Darra to die! She was like one of his best friends! And then, when Tru got in trouble, he didn't tell Obi-Wan that he had known about the malfunctioning lightsaber and could have fixed it properly. That really lacks character. Not to mention, he completely cut himself off from everyone except Obi-Wan, and, as we all know, he cuts himself off from Obi-Wan in the second and third movies.

Speaking of the movies (again) What are your favorite characters (in the movies, not the books)? Comment, please! My favorite character in all the movies is Obi-Wan. It used to kind of be a tie between him and Anakin, but no longer. Not only am I mad at Anakin at the moment, but I also decided that Obi-Wan is way cooler.

And finally, to wrap up my post of Star Wars-ness, I read the first book in another Jedi series, "Young Jedi Knights." I didn't like it much. It's about Leia and Han's twin children, Jacen and Jaina. They're training to be Jedi in Luke's new Jedi Academy. Personally, I think that the first Jedi Order was a lot better. This new Jedi Academy is basically a regular school. There are no younglings or Padawans, no Master/Apprentice teams. It's just everyone in a giant lecture hall. And not all of the students are Force-sensitive! I'm pretty sure--no, positive--that you have to be Force-sensitive to be a Jedi. Oh well.

P.S. I can't wait to see the new movie, The Sorcerer's Aprentice! It mixes everything I love--magic, Disney, hot boys (JK), and, yes, Star Wars. I mean seriously. Whenever I see the commercial I say to myself "take out 'sorcerer,' enter 'Jedi' here." It totally fits! Next time you see the commercial, try it!

P.P.S If you have a problem with all the Star Wars referances, just stop reading this blog. In the future there will be more Star Wars referances, as well as signs of my obsessiveness towards Percy Jackson and Harry Potter, too. If you don't have a problem with it, PLEASE subscribe to me! Thanks! :)