Friday, September 2, 2011


So I recently started watching this show, Sherlock. As I'm sure you've guessed, it's an adaptation of Sherlock Holmes. It's absolutely brilliant (the again, one of the creators/writers is Moffat so how can it not be?). I can't BELIEVE I never looked at it before (even though I'd heard about it), but then again, I'm kind of glad. See, there are only three episodes in the first season, and season 2 doesn't start until May 2012. If I had seen the show when in originally aired in 2010, I'd have gone mad waiting by now (madder than I already am, I mean). Oh, not to mention,the last current episode ends in a life-or-death situation. URGGGGG!!! Ah well. :( I can wait. I guess. The thing that is really great about this show is that it's all the brilliance of Doctor Who, minus the sci-fi. Now, as you know, I love sci-fi, but a lot of people don't. So Sherlock is great for pretty much anyone--but at the same time it retains that exclusive quirky geekiness that I love so much. And Sherlock himself? Oh my god, SHERLOCK. He. is. brilliant. Brilliant, funny, quirky...I love how he can sit as still as a statue one moment and jumps up energetically and starts running through London the next. One of the cutest scenes in the show is when Sherlock confronts John about the things he wrote on his blog, and John justifies what he said, so, frustrated, Sherlock curls up in a little ball. It's adorable, really. This is after he destroys the wall with a gun because he's bored. And Benedict Cumberbatch really is a great actor. His voice is kinda hilarious, cos he's got this quirky, cute, almost childish face (on John Watson's blog it describes him as looking "about 12") and yet he's got this really deep, Snape-like voice. Like I said, hilarious. What I wouldn't do to spend a day with Sherlock Holmes. Well, I know what I wouldn't do, I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to travel with the Doctor. But, say, if I was traveling with the Doctor and he's like "I've got some stuff to do, mind if I drop you off with a friend of mine? His name is Sherlock Holmes. I'll pick you up in a few days" I'd be like "yesyesyesyesyesssss!!!"

Well. Okay. I'm done now. Doctor Who is still the most important thing to me, just in case you're wondering--which I'm sure you are. I'm more loyal than that, you know!!!

Anyways...yeahhhhh....I suppose that was a random post...I hate being, well, I love being random, I really do, but I'd hate for you to think that I didn't take blogging and writing seriously. I do, honestly, just sometimes I get excited about these things. So...yeah...that was random. And poorly written. Sorry. I'll write soon. bye!

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