Thursday, September 29, 2011

Everything's just so boring sometimes, isn't it?

I probably should be asleep, but I'm afraid to. No, no, not because I'm afraid of monster under my bed or Weeping Angels in my closet or a Silent lurking in the corner...I'm just afraid of wasting time. I've got a four day weekend. I am not going to waste the best time of day (that would be night) asleep. Morning is for sleeping. Noon is for eating lunch, preferably at the local burger restaurant, or maybe Panda Express. Afternoon is for lounging about at home, hanging out online, texting friends, going to Costco to get yummy free samples, and eventually pick up my brother from school, to gloat about my wonderful day off, and also get to say hello to some of my old teachers. After four-ish is the time for watching TV, checking the Doctor Who website, playing Mario Kart or Animal Crossing (perhaps even Super Mario Bros, but only if I'm in the mood to be a reeeeally nice sister), and dozing in the living room (the living room is now my favorite room in the house. Almost all of the furniture is all at least ten years old, which gives a classic, semi-dated look to the room. We recently updated the sitting area by purchasing a new coffee table and side table that look amazing with the tan couches. The curtains aren't to thick, and let in a ton of natural light that really illuminates the room. On display is some of my favorite family antiques. I highly enjoy the quiet solitude of the room--no one really goes in there except for me and my puppies). By evening I've had dinner, and then at night, I stay up and write for as long as I want (I think best at night). THAT is how all four-day weekends should be spent.It's just a shame we don't have more of them.

Anyways, you might have noticed the title of this post. Well, everything IS boring. Bored. Bored. BORED. Sigh. Bored.

But I won't bore you with my boredom. I'm sure there's something you're supposed to be doing, anyways. Unlike me, you probably have a life in which you actually have things to do and therefore you are not bored every second of every day. Lucky you. Now stop procrastinating and get back to whatever it is you're supposed to be doing. And count you're blessings you're not as mind-numbingly bored as I am. Sigh.

Well, at this point, you've probably gone "Wow, how did she know I was procrastinating?! Well, she's right, let me get to my work." Or you're in denial, and you're like "Haha, well, um, sure there's that huge project due tomorrow, but, time is spent better reading this." And I thank you for the compliment, but still, procrastination is procrastination. Enough said.

Maybe you're a third group of person who really has nothing to do . Or at least, nothing worth doing. In which case, you are in the same predicament as me, right now. And no, I'm not in denial, I really have no work to do, no projects--nothing. I could be studying for Hebrew, but I spent four hours doing that during Rosh Hashana services this morning--I think that's enough for one day (or one month.) I;ll pass on studying, thanks.

I mean, I should be grateful for something to make me un-bored, but I'd rather write. If only I had anything worth writing right now. I don't. Sigh.

Well, if you ARE still, terribly sorry if I bored you. I promise my text post won't be so boring/depressing. My next post will be about Doctor Who. The season finale. It will be full of shrieks and eeks and capital letters. I promise. I promise...

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