I probably should be asleep, but I'm afraid to. No, no, not because I'm afraid of monster under my bed or Weeping Angels in my closet or a Silent lurking in the corner...I'm just afraid of wasting time. I've got a four day weekend. I am not going to waste the best time of day (that would be night) asleep. Morning is for sleeping. Noon is for eating lunch, preferably at the local burger restaurant, or maybe Panda Express. Afternoon is for lounging about at home, hanging out online, texting friends, going to Costco to get yummy free samples, and eventually pick up my brother from school, to gloat about my wonderful day off, and also get to say hello to some of my old teachers. After four-ish is the time for watching TV, checking the Doctor Who website, playing Mario Kart or Animal Crossing (perhaps even Super Mario Bros, but only if I'm in the mood to be a reeeeally nice sister), and dozing in the living room (the living room is now my favorite room in the house. Almost all of the furniture is all at least ten years old, which gives a classic, semi-dated look to the room. We recently updated the sitting area by purchasing a new coffee table and side table that look amazing with the tan couches. The curtains aren't to thick, and let in a ton of natural light that really illuminates the room. On display is some of my favorite family antiques. I highly enjoy the quiet solitude of the room--no one really goes in there except for me and my puppies). By evening I've had dinner, and then at night, I stay up and write for as long as I want (I think best at night). THAT is how all four-day weekends should be spent.It's just a shame we don't have more of them.
Anyways, you might have noticed the title of this post. Well, everything IS boring. Bored. Bored. BORED. Sigh. Bored.
But I won't bore you with my boredom. I'm sure there's something you're supposed to be doing, anyways. Unlike me, you probably have a life in which you actually have things to do and therefore you are not bored every second of every day. Lucky you. Now stop procrastinating and get back to whatever it is you're supposed to be doing. And count you're blessings you're not as mind-numbingly bored as I am. Sigh.
Well, at this point, you've probably gone "Wow, how did she know I was procrastinating?! Well, she's right, let me get to my work." Or you're in denial, and you're like "Haha, well, um, sure there's that huge project due tomorrow, but, um...my time is spent better reading this." And I thank you for the compliment, but still, procrastination is procrastination. Enough said.
Maybe you're a third group of person who really has nothing to do . Or at least, nothing worth doing. In which case, you are in the same predicament as me, right now. And no, I'm not in denial, I really have no work to do, no projects--nothing. I could be studying for Hebrew, but I spent four hours doing that during Rosh Hashana services this morning--I think that's enough for one day (or one month.) I;ll pass on studying, thanks.
I mean, I should be grateful for something to make me un-bored, but I'd rather write. If only I had anything worth writing right now. I don't. Sigh.
Well, if you ARE still reading...um, terribly sorry if I bored you. I promise my text post won't be so boring/depressing. My next post will be about Doctor Who. The season finale. It will be full of shrieks and eeks and capital letters. I promise. I promise...
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I'm procrastinating on my math homework. Got a problem with that?
The math homework itself isn't the problem--the problem is the Binder Check looming over my head. See, I'm really disorganized. Actually, that's an understatement. I'm so unorganized, I have lost giant pencil cases in the dark, frightening depths of my messy backpack. Plus I'm forgetful--I have been known to lose my phone when it's sitting in my left hand. So as you can imagine, binder checks are not pleasant for me. How could they be? In fact, binder checks make me want to hide under my bed and not come out for a year. I'm probably more afraid of them then I'm afraid of the Silence, and that's really saying something. I mean--think about it, there could be a Silent right behind you and you wouldn't know it (if you don't watch Doctor Who, you might not even know what a Silence IS--count yourself lucky), just like there could be a binder check tomorrow in math class, and (just like with the Silence) you've totally forgotten, and now you're freaking out and about to die (again, like you would be if you turned around to find a Silence). You see--binder checks and the Silence are one in the same, and I am terrified of both.
I really should be orginizing my binder--putting headings and dates on all the homework assignments and notes--but I just can't bring myself to do it. To do that would be to admit that there really is a binder check tomorrow, and that will just send me into a panic once again. And believe me, I really don't need that.
At least tomorrow is the last day of the school week this way (yay Rosh Hashana!) so after first period math tomorrow I can just forget about the binder and not have to worry about getting my grade yet, but then again, knowing my luck and knowing my parent's nightly ritual of checking my grades online, come Saturday my math teacher will have posted the grade online and my parents will get mad at me right before my Doctor Who party. Uh-oh.
Well, I mean, they can't get TOO mad. I HAVE had perfect grades all semester. And they already know that binder checks are not my strong suit. But still. They'll be pretty mad.
Still, my new math teacher is pretty nice. Perhaps she'll take mercy on me? My super-strict English teacher last year did, and I was elated (she did take off five points though...she said it had to do with the "improper format for the table of contents," but I think it might have had to do with the fact that I drew "I love Matt Smith" all over the back cover, and she's a die-hard David Tennant fan). But that teacher already liked me, liked my writing, and knew me outside of regular class because I was in Literary Magazine. So, you know, she was more inclined to be nice towards me.
THIS teacher hardly know me at all. And I know I'm missing stuff, because they fell out of my binder and now I'm freaking out. Ack! But on the bright side, It's only one or two things--I've had a lot more missing in the past. And in this class, binder checks are only worth ten percent. So yay. Since I've got straight A's in math at the moment, this should barely effect my grade at all. Thank God.
Well, that's all for now. I don't know if I'll be posting until after the New Year (no, I don't mean January first, I mean Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year) so Shana Tova everybody!
שנה טובה
I really should be orginizing my binder--putting headings and dates on all the homework assignments and notes--but I just can't bring myself to do it. To do that would be to admit that there really is a binder check tomorrow, and that will just send me into a panic once again. And believe me, I really don't need that.
At least tomorrow is the last day of the school week this way (yay Rosh Hashana!) so after first period math tomorrow I can just forget about the binder and not have to worry about getting my grade yet, but then again, knowing my luck and knowing my parent's nightly ritual of checking my grades online, come Saturday my math teacher will have posted the grade online and my parents will get mad at me right before my Doctor Who party. Uh-oh.
Well, I mean, they can't get TOO mad. I HAVE had perfect grades all semester. And they already know that binder checks are not my strong suit. But still. They'll be pretty mad.
Still, my new math teacher is pretty nice. Perhaps she'll take mercy on me? My super-strict English teacher last year did, and I was elated (she did take off five points though...she said it had to do with the "improper format for the table of contents," but I think it might have had to do with the fact that I drew "I love Matt Smith" all over the back cover, and she's a die-hard David Tennant fan). But that teacher already liked me, liked my writing, and knew me outside of regular class because I was in Literary Magazine. So, you know, she was more inclined to be nice towards me.
THIS teacher hardly know me at all. And I know I'm missing stuff, because they fell out of my binder and now I'm freaking out. Ack! But on the bright side, It's only one or two things--I've had a lot more missing in the past. And in this class, binder checks are only worth ten percent. So yay. Since I've got straight A's in math at the moment, this should barely effect my grade at all. Thank God.
Well, that's all for now. I don't know if I'll be posting until after the New Year (no, I don't mean January first, I mean Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year) so Shana Tova everybody!
שנה טובה
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Who am I???
You know, sometimes I'm afraid to write what I'm really thinking on this blog. And that's silly of me, because what--am I afraid of being judged? ONLINE? But sadly, that's just it. I say I don't care what people think of me, but that's not all true. Sometimes I do care. But I'm sick of that. I'm sick of hiding, because that seems to be all I do these days. I hide my true self from everybody, because if I let you get to know my real self, you'd call me crazy--and not in a good way. But not anymore. Not today. Right here, right now, I will tell you everything. Or nothing. Whatever I feel like saying, I'll say. Go ahead--judge me, call me crazy, tell me that I shouldn't say things like this. But if you think I care, you are sadly mistaken. I don't want to seem rude, but I need to let out some steam. And what other place to do it but where all the world can see?
Today, I was sad. In fact, I'm still sad. I don't know why. Nothing bad happened today--I even got to see my best friend for the first time since the weekend, which was a big plus. But still, I was sad. Maybe it has to do with my theatre class--now that my "theatre family" is no longer together, it's hard to enjoy theatre class.
Have I ever told you about my theatre family? I think I might have, but I don't remember. We were so close. We could tell each other anything, and it never left the classroom. We trusted each other, we loved each other. We called each other "brothers and sisters." And we meant it. Because family isn't your flesh and blood--it's those who care for you, those who make the effort to understand you. We did that for each other. We were a real family, a true family--ten brothers and sisters united. Our theatre teacher saw our closeness and encouraged it. She taught us a lot, and inspired all of us. But she left our school to teach somewhere else. The theatre group fell apart. My best friend went to another school, as did another close friend of mine. Most of the girls and one of the two boys left theatre to try other electives, leaving only me, my second best friend, and my theatre "brother," who I shall not name here to protect his privacy.
Speaking of best friends, that second-best-friend of mine and I are still very sister-close, but near as close as we were back when the theatre family was still in tact. That's okay, though, because I have another second-best-friend, Jenna (her blog is linked to this one) who came to my school. We hang out all the time, and it's great to have her around. We've been close friends since we were about seven, probably because we have similar personalities and our parents are equally protective and conservative. I'll admit, we do have some differences that we're discovering as we're getting older, but in my opinion, that makes our friendship even more interesting. For example, we have different religions, and I'm a Democrat while she's a Republican. I find learning about her religion fascinating--and I think she feels the same about learning mine! And I'm guessing she might be reading this right now, so--Hi Jennaynay!!! See you at school! Say hi to Person for me!!! (haha inside joke)
So. Yes. Sherlock...Doctor...that's pretty much the rhythm that's been going through my head all today...actually, all EVERY day. Sherlock...Doctor...Sherlock...Doctor. I believe that both these characters are real. In fact, I know they are...but I won't bother you with that...
I did it again. I deleted what I ACTUALLY said, because I don't want you to know.
...or do I?
Kind sad......
What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
I have to go. Bye.
Love and Hate to the World,
Today, I was sad. In fact, I'm still sad. I don't know why. Nothing bad happened today--I even got to see my best friend for the first time since the weekend, which was a big plus. But still, I was sad. Maybe it has to do with my theatre class--now that my "theatre family" is no longer together, it's hard to enjoy theatre class.
Have I ever told you about my theatre family? I think I might have, but I don't remember. We were so close. We could tell each other anything, and it never left the classroom. We trusted each other, we loved each other. We called each other "brothers and sisters." And we meant it. Because family isn't your flesh and blood--it's those who care for you, those who make the effort to understand you. We did that for each other. We were a real family, a true family--ten brothers and sisters united. Our theatre teacher saw our closeness and encouraged it. She taught us a lot, and inspired all of us. But she left our school to teach somewhere else. The theatre group fell apart. My best friend went to another school, as did another close friend of mine. Most of the girls and one of the two boys left theatre to try other electives, leaving only me, my second best friend, and my theatre "brother," who I shall not name here to protect his privacy.
Speaking of best friends, that second-best-friend of mine and I are still very sister-close, but near as close as we were back when the theatre family was still in tact. That's okay, though, because I have another second-best-friend, Jenna (her blog is linked to this one) who came to my school. We hang out all the time, and it's great to have her around. We've been close friends since we were about seven, probably because we have similar personalities and our parents are equally protective and conservative. I'll admit, we do have some differences that we're discovering as we're getting older, but in my opinion, that makes our friendship even more interesting. For example, we have different religions, and I'm a Democrat while she's a Republican. I find learning about her religion fascinating--and I think she feels the same about learning mine! And I'm guessing she might be reading this right now, so--Hi Jennaynay!!! See you at school! Say hi to Person for me!!! (haha inside joke)
So. Yes. Sherlock...Doctor...that's pretty much the rhythm that's been going through my head all today...actually, all EVERY day. Sherlock...Doctor...Sherlock...Doctor. I believe that both these characters are real. In fact, I know they are...but I won't bother you with that...
I did it again. I deleted what I ACTUALLY said, because I don't want you to know.
...or do I?
Kind sad......
What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
I have to go. Bye.
Love and Hate to the World,
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sadness and joy
Sometimes I'm sad.
Sometimes, even when I'm happy, that happiness is tinged with sadness.
But that's okay.
I'm not at war with my sadness.
I've accepted it.
I've befriended it.
I know I can't conquer it, but I can live with it. It's kind of like John and Sherlock. Sometimes, they want to kill each other. Sometimes they're good friends. Most of the time, Sherlock drives John crazy. But even in the worst of times, John can live with Sherlock. Literally.

I guess my head is 221b Baker's Street.
Or maybe it's the TARDIS. Bigger on the inside, and with a mind of it's own (even though it's my mind).
But things like Sherlock and Doctor Who--they help me. They take my sadness, and they turn it into something that isn't quite happiness, but isn't sad.
Hope, maybe?
I don't know. I'm not really depressed, and I'm DEFINITELY not emo or goth (though I do kinda like goth style). I'm just...just me. People can make fun of me for that all they want, but in the end, they can't beat me. And that...that thought doesn't make me happy, exactly, but...proud.
I don't really know what this post is about. I just felt like writing. Writing doesn't always make me feel better, but it lets my mind drift, lets it go wherever it pleases (again, like the TARDIS). I can go anywhere when I write. I can even go into my own soul (and that's one scary place to go).
I think I'm a good person. I care about everyone and everything. I believe everything deserves a chance to live--even ants and bugs. I believe that this planet is the most beautiful thing. Sometimes, I hate humans. I feel like we're here only to destroy, while other animals are here to help the world continue to exist (a far nobler cause). But then I think of all the people in the world every single one, and I think "what a beautiful thing. Look at these amazing, amazing people. Every one, living and breathing and hoping and loving. Forget the bad ones, forget the dull ones and the self-centered ones, there are good people in the world, and they are so, so beautiful." It's really, very humbling to think that way. And when I do think that way, my sadness goes away. It lifts from my mind, until nothing but a speck is left. And then, maybe I'm not really happy, but...again, filled with hope. There are better people out there. Better things. A better life.
I know my life is good. I have parents who care for me, and a smart mind, and good friends and family. I have talent as writer, even if that's hard for me to admit to myself. I know that. But still, sometimes it's hard. Sometimes I want something more. Something better. I want to see other worlds, other stars, other cultures and other peoples. People might say that my dreams are foolish and that I should concentrate on reality, but to me, this is reality. My dreams are reality. And that's what keeps me going. No one can take that away from me.
I love everyone and everything. And I hate everyone and everything. But I love the Doctor. I love Sherlock. I love my friends. I love my stories, and I love the stories of others. No matter how hard I hate, that will never ever change.
I love the world.
I hate the world.
You may not like it, but that's just me.
Deal with it.
Sometimes, even when I'm happy, that happiness is tinged with sadness.
But that's okay.
I'm not at war with my sadness.
I've accepted it.
I've befriended it.
I know I can't conquer it, but I can live with it. It's kind of like John and Sherlock. Sometimes, they want to kill each other. Sometimes they're good friends. Most of the time, Sherlock drives John crazy. But even in the worst of times, John can live with Sherlock. Literally.

I guess my head is 221b Baker's Street.
Or maybe it's the TARDIS. Bigger on the inside, and with a mind of it's own (even though it's my mind).
But things like Sherlock and Doctor Who--they help me. They take my sadness, and they turn it into something that isn't quite happiness, but isn't sad.
Hope, maybe?
I don't know. I'm not really depressed, and I'm DEFINITELY not emo or goth (though I do kinda like goth style). I'm just...just me. People can make fun of me for that all they want, but in the end, they can't beat me. And that...that thought doesn't make me happy, exactly, but...proud.
I don't really know what this post is about. I just felt like writing. Writing doesn't always make me feel better, but it lets my mind drift, lets it go wherever it pleases (again, like the TARDIS). I can go anywhere when I write. I can even go into my own soul (and that's one scary place to go).
I think I'm a good person. I care about everyone and everything. I believe everything deserves a chance to live--even ants and bugs. I believe that this planet is the most beautiful thing. Sometimes, I hate humans. I feel like we're here only to destroy, while other animals are here to help the world continue to exist (a far nobler cause). But then I think of all the people in the world every single one, and I think "what a beautiful thing. Look at these amazing, amazing people. Every one, living and breathing and hoping and loving. Forget the bad ones, forget the dull ones and the self-centered ones, there are good people in the world, and they are so, so beautiful." It's really, very humbling to think that way. And when I do think that way, my sadness goes away. It lifts from my mind, until nothing but a speck is left. And then, maybe I'm not really happy, but...again, filled with hope. There are better people out there. Better things. A better life.
I know my life is good. I have parents who care for me, and a smart mind, and good friends and family. I have talent as writer, even if that's hard for me to admit to myself. I know that. But still, sometimes it's hard. Sometimes I want something more. Something better. I want to see other worlds, other stars, other cultures and other peoples. People might say that my dreams are foolish and that I should concentrate on reality, but to me, this is reality. My dreams are reality. And that's what keeps me going. No one can take that away from me.
I love everyone and everything. And I hate everyone and everything. But I love the Doctor. I love Sherlock. I love my friends. I love my stories, and I love the stories of others. No matter how hard I hate, that will never ever change.
I love the world.
I hate the world.
You may not like it, but that's just me.
Deal with it.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Amy Pond...has left us?
Saturday, September 3, 2011
I am bored.
I. AM. BORED. Sigh. 6 hours and 7 minutes until the next Doctor Who episode. And it's not even going to be a good one. I mean, it will, because it's Doctor Who and therefore it's awesome. But it's supposedly "the scariest episode of Doctor Who ever," and I so don't buy that. I mean, no offense Gatiss, but really, "The Unquiet Dead" and "The Idiot Lantern" where neither scary nor excellent. "Victory of the Daleks" was pretty good, I'll give you that. But I'm still mad about that cliff hanger at the end of Sherlock, and that episode was written by you. So anyways. Bored. So. Bored. Boooooooooooored. Still bored. You know, some teachers say "boredom is not a result of circumstance, it is a result of attitude." I do not agree. When you're stuck at home with nothing on TV, nothing to do online, can't go out of the house because you can't drive, and can't have friends over because "the house is messy," and can't even do homework because you don't have any, the believe me, you'll get bored. Oh look, now it's only 6 hours and 5 minutes until the next Who episode. Well, that's good, I guess. I actually do have homework, and it's science homework, so at least I have something mind-stimulating to do. Guess what we have to do? Observe a leaf. Oh yeah. A leaf. And believe it or not, after the boredom I've been experiencing all week, that was a fun lab. I got to describe a leaf. Yay. So. BORED! Well, better go finish up my Leaf Lab. After that, I'll go to sleep. Sleeping is SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING than this boredom. ANd after that maybe I'll watch Doctor Who. An episode with Donna. Maybe "Fire of Pompeii." Karen Gillan is in that one. And we're learning about Pompeii in history this month.
Oh, by the way, I hate running. I'm sure that sounds completely random to you, but I'm leading up to something. See, my parents just got an Eliptical, and at first I though that would be lame because I hate running, but actually it's pretty fun. And more importantly, it helps me think. Some people think best when they're completely still and nothing around them is moving. I think best when I'm in motion, It's weird, cos I hate exercise. A lot. But still, running on that epiptical--slowly, of course--helps me think. Well. Time to do my homework. Maybe then I won't be so bored. SO. BORED.
Oh, by the way, I hate running. I'm sure that sounds completely random to you, but I'm leading up to something. See, my parents just got an Eliptical, and at first I though that would be lame because I hate running, but actually it's pretty fun. And more importantly, it helps me think. Some people think best when they're completely still and nothing around them is moving. I think best when I'm in motion, It's weird, cos I hate exercise. A lot. But still, running on that epiptical--slowly, of course--helps me think. Well. Time to do my homework. Maybe then I won't be so bored. SO. BORED.
Friday, September 2, 2011
So I recently started watching this show, Sherlock. As I'm sure you've guessed, it's an adaptation of Sherlock Holmes. It's absolutely brilliant (the again, one of the creators/writers is Moffat so how can it not be?). I can't BELIEVE I never looked at it before (even though I'd heard about it), but then again, I'm kind of glad. See, there are only three episodes in the first season, and season 2 doesn't start until May 2012. If I had seen the show when in originally aired in 2010, I'd have gone mad waiting by now (madder than I already am, I mean). Oh, not to mention,the last current episode ends in a life-or-death situation. URGGGGG!!! Ah well. :( I can wait. I guess. The thing that is really great about this show is that it's all the brilliance of Doctor Who, minus the sci-fi. Now, as you know, I love sci-fi, but a lot of people don't. So Sherlock is great for pretty much anyone--but at the same time it retains that exclusive quirky geekiness that I love so much. And Sherlock himself? Oh my god, SHERLOCK. He. is. brilliant. Brilliant, funny, quirky...I love how he can sit as still as a statue one moment and jumps up energetically and starts running through London the next. One of the cutest scenes in the show is when Sherlock confronts John about the things he wrote on his blog, and John justifies what he said, so, frustrated, Sherlock curls up in a little ball. It's adorable, really. This is after he destroys the wall with a gun because he's bored. And Benedict Cumberbatch really is a great actor. His voice is kinda hilarious, cos he's got this quirky, cute, almost childish face (on John Watson's blog it describes him as looking "about 12") and yet he's got this really deep, Snape-like voice. Like I said, hilarious. What I wouldn't do to spend a day with Sherlock Holmes. Well, I know what I wouldn't do, I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to travel with the Doctor. But, say, if I was traveling with the Doctor and he's like "I've got some stuff to do, mind if I drop you off with a friend of mine? His name is Sherlock Holmes. I'll pick you up in a few days" I'd be like "yesyesyesyesyesssss!!!"
Well. Okay. I'm done now. Doctor Who is still the most important thing to me, just in case you're wondering--which I'm sure you are. I'm more loyal than that, you know!!!
Anyways...yeahhhhh....I suppose that was a random post...I hate being random...no, well, I love being random, I really do, but I'd hate for you to think that I didn't take blogging and writing seriously. I do, honestly, just sometimes I get excited about these things. So...yeah...that was random. And poorly written. Sorry. I'll write soon. bye!
Well. Okay. I'm done now. Doctor Who is still the most important thing to me, just in case you're wondering--which I'm sure you are. I'm more loyal than that, you know!!!
Anyways...yeahhhhh....I suppose that was a random post...I hate being random...no, well, I love being random, I really do, but I'd hate for you to think that I didn't take blogging and writing seriously. I do, honestly, just sometimes I get excited about these things. So...yeah...that was random. And poorly written. Sorry. I'll write soon. bye!
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