Monday, January 16, 2012

My Hunger Games Fan Fiction (An Update)

I must say, although it's taking me a long time to write, I'm thoroughly enjoying my Hunger Games fan fiction (the one I'm writing for Jenna). I know that fan fictions aren't taken very seriously, but I'm honestly putting all of my effort into this one. Because I'm working with all new characters, I can really do what I please with the storyline. I've got the shell of the plot, but everything else is up to me. I'm using this opportunity to really hone my skills. I'm viewing it as a serious project. And to be honest, I love where it's going.

Firstly, I'm working on my action scenes. I'm no good at those, and I know it. I simply cannot visualize battles. The funny thing is, I'm not bad in a fight. I can take down my brother, his friend, and my dad in a lightsaber duel, no problem. But my characters aren't me. I need to look at the battle from their point of view, which is much more difficult. Not to mention, it's difficult to capture a movement with a word. However, I just completed the first action scene in the fan fic, and I'm really happy with it. It's fast-paced, well-thought-out, and moves the story forward. Yes, there is plenty of room for improvement. There's too much running and too much talking, and not near enough fighting. But I think it's a good start.

I'm also working on prose. Words are like pieces of a puzzle; if they don't fit, move them somewhere else. However, I can be quite picky, and I sometimes delete full sentences because one or two words are throwing me off. And sometimes I won't delete a word, even though I know it just doesn't sound right. I need to find the perfect balance--but that's going to be a challenge.

Finally, I'm really exploring character development. Though I love character development and relationships, this is the first time I've regarded them seriously. I'm taking a good long look at my main character, and her relationships. I'm really trying to emphasize ties between characters. The main character is actually property of Jenna, who made her up, but I'm filling her out. I'm really trying to make her as human as possible. Ironically, she is very unlike Katniss. She is charismatic and friendly, with a hint of attitude. She cares deeply for those around her. I'm really exploring this. My own characters tend to be a bit cold, but this character is thoroughly invested in the fates of her allies. She really and truly cares; and more importantly, what happens to her companions affects her. Right now I'm really trying to build out her character. I'm trying to show how she changes within the arena, but I'm also trying to show how she'll never change. I'll post a more detailed commentary after I release the work itself.

I'm having a great time exploring my characters and their relationships, as well as their own emotions, insecurities, and thoughts. can't wait to show you guys!!!

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