Flynn Rider is a Time Lord. Not only does the movie begin with him saying Rose's famous "Doomsday" line, "This is the story of how I died" (well, famous in the Whovian world), but just look at that picture. He REGENERATES! I'm pretty sure that he and Rapunzel are a parallel-universe copy of the Doctor and Rose. OH! I just thought of ANOTHER reason why he's a Time Lord. The Doctor only told one person his true name (he tells River). Flynn only tells HIS real name to Rapunzel. You SEE?!?!?!
My theory is, from now on, Flynn can regenerate anytime he dies. Next regeneration goes something like this:
Rapunzel and Flynn have been separated by an evil force. They recently found their way back together, but Flynn was stabbed just as they reunited. In desperation, they flee to Rapunzel's old tower, searching for safety. Max and Pascal can somehow magically talk, let's just pretend that makes sense.
[Flynn, Maximus, Rapunzel and Pascal in the TARDIS. Flynn lies, wounded, on the floor, with Max and Rapunzel beside him]
Max: What do we do?! There must be some medicine or something!
Pascal: Just step back. Rapunzel! Do as I say and stand back! He's dying and you know what happens next!
Max: What do you mean?!
[Flynn writhes in agony on the tower floor]
Rapunzel: [crying] But he can't! Not now! I came all this way!
Max: What do you mean?! What happens next?!
[Flynn looks at his hand. It starts to glow]
Flynn: It's starting!
Pascal: Here we go! Good luck, Flynn!
[Flynn, wracked with pain, hauls himself on to the chair]
Max: [hysterical] Will someone please tell me what is going on?!
Rapunzel: When he's dying, his body, it repairs itself, it changes... but you can't!
Flynn: I'm sorry, it's too late! [beat] I'm regenerating!
[Energy courses from his head and hands. Max, terrified, looks away, while Pascal and Rapunzel force themselves to watch. The captions then read "To be continued."]
Haha, I got this from wikiquote, it's the scene were the Doctor is supposedly "regenerating." Of course, we know he's faking it. :P. I changed the names--Max is Donna, Pascal is Jack, Rapunzel is Rose, and Flynn is, of course, the 10th Doctor.
Course, again, as we know he DOESN'T change his form, just as Flynn doesn't. So Flynn must have a spare arm lying around there somewhere through which he can channel his regeneration energy and thus cause himself not to change form during the regeneration process. Creepy.
Anyways, with Doctor Who becoming increasingly popular in America, I'm sure the writer and animators of Tangled have seen it and it somewhat influenced their work. I know it does with my writing, even when I'm not trying to let it. Later I'll look back at an episode and go "crap, I wrote about something just like that, now I have to rewrite it so it doesn't look like I was totally ripping this episode off." It's all part of the subconscious.
But seriously, Flynn's a Time Lord.
yay for Tangled!!! xD
haha yes, and some random guy and I were just talking on Youtube, and we decided that his satchel is his TARDIS. :D Yay for Time Lords!!!!!
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