Saturday, February 19, 2011

Geronino Stitlon...???

Okay, as you can see, I was REALLY bored yesterday, because I read about six or seven Geronimo Stilton books. This is extremely sad, as they're for nine-year-olds. My little brother should be above them, but he's obsessed with them. He got the entire set, and I've been so bored that I've been reading them all. Then, I read--I forget which number, but it's called "My Name is Stilton, Geronimo Stilton!" and I swear it was the Ahsoka/Anakin story all over again! Well, except Anakin is funnier, braver, and a million times cooler than Geronimo Stilton. But seriously! There's this fourteen year old girl, Pinky. She exceptionally talented, except he doesn't want to see it. He accidentally employed her as his assistant. He finds her thoroughly annoying and wants to get rid of her. Then he realizes how talented she is, and he starts to appreciate her. The difference is, instead of becoming extremely fond of her afterward, he's still really annoyed with her all the time! Which annoys ME. But whatever. It is just a kids book.
Peace, Love, and Olympus,

1 comment:

Anonymous said... sister loves those books! (she is 9 :D)oh! don't forget to do some topaz internment camp research! i have almost all the materials im bringing and i printed some cool pictures too. still need more info though....k well c u tuesday!
-tiffany jadidian