Monday, December 27, 2010

The Time that has passed...

Wow. When I look back at my older posts, I can see just how much I've changed. I've gone through so many phases. They were all awesome, but they all faded :(. I hope my Doctor Who phase doesn't fade for a long time. But it's not just me who's changed. It's this blog, too. And I don't just mean the backgrounds and the title--everything about it has changed: the writing style, the frequency of the posts, the viewers (thank you international viewers!!!), and, most importantly, the wonderful followers. I remember when I was thrilled to have three followers. Now I have nine, including myself. And hopefully, this will only grow. I've had 722 pageviews in the history of this blog. That is so amazing. The majority of the viewers are from the US, but there are tons of international viewers too, from all over the world, and that it truly amazing. It is such a good feeling to know that my writing, however lame it is in this blog, is being read all over the world. Also, it's great to exchange ideas with other bloggers, and spread my obsession of Doctor Who. I want to take this moment to thank every one of you, everyone out there, reading this blog right now. It really means a lot to me that you're taking the time to do this, even if only because you have nothing else to do--there is ALWAYS something else to do, but you are choosing to read this...thank you. You are all truly wonderful.

Peace,Love, and Olympus,

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