Thursday, December 30, 2010
Doctor Who Unreleased Scene from Flesh and Stone and The Vampires of Ven...
This video is great! Haha! It is set in between "Flesh and Stone" and "Vampires in Venice" (obviously) and actually explains a lot--like why Amy doesn't ask about previous companions, or why the Doctor never mentions Rose, Martha, or Donna anymore (reason: he's utterly embarrassed). It's really great, and makes me once again totally love Eleven and Amy! There was even a Donna reference in there :) Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
David Tennant & Catherine Tate- Comic Relief
Okay...this is hilarious. Seriously, this is SO funny :). I'm not sure if it's as funny if you don't watch Doctor Who, but omg is this thing hilarious :) Enjoy!
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
"How could a fellow Gallifreyin stoop so low?"!!!!!

These are the teasers for series six of Doctor Who!!! The big one is: "How could a fellow Gallifreyin stoop so low?" What can this mean?! Discuss!
Also, who is Susannah? Does this have to do with his granddaughter, Susan??? Continue discussing!!!
Peace,Love, and Olympus,
P.S. No matter how great the Doctor says Gallifrey was, the more I watch DW, the worse it seems...
Monday, December 27, 2010
The Time that has passed...
Wow. When I look back at my older posts, I can see just how much I've changed. I've gone through so many phases. They were all awesome, but they all faded :(. I hope my Doctor Who phase doesn't fade for a long time. But it's not just me who's changed. It's this blog, too. And I don't just mean the backgrounds and the title--everything about it has changed: the writing style, the frequency of the posts, the viewers (thank you international viewers!!!), and, most importantly, the wonderful followers. I remember when I was thrilled to have three followers. Now I have nine, including myself. And hopefully, this will only grow. I've had 722 pageviews in the history of this blog. That is so amazing. The majority of the viewers are from the US, but there are tons of international viewers too, from all over the world, and that it truly amazing. It is such a good feeling to know that my writing, however lame it is in this blog, is being read all over the world. Also, it's great to exchange ideas with other bloggers, and spread my obsession of Doctor Who. I want to take this moment to thank every one of you, everyone out there, reading this blog right now. It really means a lot to me that you're taking the time to do this, even if only because you have nothing else to do--there is ALWAYS something else to do, but you are choosing to read this...thank you. You are all truly wonderful.
Peace,Love, and Olympus,
Peace,Love, and Olympus,
Saturday, December 25, 2010
this has got to be a short one so you concentrate on the previous post, but I just have a short revision, which throws off my entire theory :(. The Doctor SAW RIVER SONG'S DEATH. Is THAT what was nagging at him at the end, not losing Rose? Hmmm...comment, DW fans, and tell me what you think!
Doctor Who Christmas Special!!!!
Ah! That was brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! And it looks like the Doctor is FINALLY ready to tell Amy about Rose and Martha and Donna. Well, almost. Did you see that bit, at the end, were mean-turned-nice dude (what was his name again) says something like "one last day to be with the one you love. How would you spend it?" And then the Doctor goes all inward and quiet, and Amy says "Are you alright?" and he says "Yeah, yeah." Okay, he's either thinking of Rose, Martha, or River. I'll narrow it down to Rose or River. And something tells me it's Rose, cuz right about now, knowing he'll soon meet River for the first time, he might be feeling, oh I don't know...guilty, right?! Cuz I mean she's in a parallel universe with a human him, and yet the REAL him never even mentions her, and is now gonna meet his future wife. Yeah. Not to mention, When he first met River, for the first time for HIM, he was still with Donna, and that's got to bring back some sad memories. Not to mention, as we saw in the trailer for season 6...RETURN OF THE OOD!!!!!!!! Let's see, he met them with Rose, then he met them with Donna, where he accidentally helped them predict her becoming The Doctor-Donna and ultimately forgetting everything of time-travel and the Doctor. Oh yes, and after all that happened, they predict his death. Lovely. I'm sure he'll be SO glad to see them again--and better yet! They're possessed again! Ah, perfect. But it is for me, cuz you know that's got to bring back memories for the Doctor, which is good! Right? Yes! Anyone out there agreeing with me??? Glad to see the Ood again?
An odd Ood. Heehee.
Well, it was really epic and--the Doctor's coming to America! Yay! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the TARDIS ;)
For those of you who saw it--what did ya think? Good, right??? Excellent! Brilliant!
Oooh, and did you notice--now, I'm sure this is complete coincedence and means absolutely nothing, but then again, nothing is a coincedence in DW--guy-who's-name-I-forget said "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." FLASHBACK!!! As a few of you know, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," was the TENTH Doctor's phrase. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN???? I think this proves my earlier stated theory that the Doctor's old life is beginning to come back to him. Oh, yes!!! (haha, that was another of the tenth Doctor's phrases).
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
Annabeth713 :)
P.S. But wait...seeing 11 and Amy and Rory in a brand new episode kind of makes me like this bunch more again...we'll just have to wait and see...
An odd Ood. Heehee.
Well, it was really epic and--the Doctor's coming to America! Yay! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the TARDIS ;)
For those of you who saw it--what did ya think? Good, right??? Excellent! Brilliant!
Oooh, and did you notice--now, I'm sure this is complete coincedence and means absolutely nothing, but then again, nothing is a coincedence in DW--guy-who's-name-I-forget said "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." FLASHBACK!!! As a few of you know, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," was the TENTH Doctor's phrase. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN???? I think this proves my earlier stated theory that the Doctor's old life is beginning to come back to him. Oh, yes!!! (haha, that was another of the tenth Doctor's phrases).
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
Annabeth713 :)
P.S. But wait...seeing 11 and Amy and Rory in a brand new episode kind of makes me like this bunch more again...we'll just have to wait and see...
Friday, December 24, 2010
A DW Viewer's Guide for A DW Non-Viewer
Okay I found the title of the episode I was talking about, it's called "Midnight." And also, somehow, I've forgotten to thank Melissa for following me!!!! Melissa, thank you! Have you worked on your Silver Award project yet ;) I haven't! :)
I am sososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososo
excited--starting at midnight tonight, an all-day Doctor Who marathon will be on BBC America!!!!!! It will end with the Doctor Who 2010 Christmas special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can bet I'll be in front of the TV from the time the marathon starts to when I have to go to my aunt's house for Christmas :). And I'll stay up as long as it takes to see the Christmas special, as we're recording it and we probably won't get home till about 10. I don't know where the marathon is starting, or if it's only going to be the previous Christmas Special, but...I would recommend anyone reading this blog right now who is interested in starting to watch Doctor Who should watch some of this, cuz it will give at least a little background information. Look out for these episodes:
1) School Reunion
2) the Girl in the Fireplace
3) Army of Ghosts/Doosmsday
4) The Runaway Bride
5) The Shakespeare Code
6) Partners in Crime
7) The Doctor's Daughter
8) Midnight
11) Turn Left
12) The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
13) End of Time part 1 & 2
14) The Eleventh Hour
15) The Beast Below
16) Victory of the Daleks
17) Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
18) The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
These are pretty much all of my favorites--and believe me, this is only a small portion.
There aqre some I wouldn't recomend seeing without seeing others: for example, here are some that go together:
Doomsday/The Runaway Bride/Partners in Crime
Midnight/Turn Left (these two do not seem connected; in fact, they are inverse, Midnight being "companion-lite" and Turn Left being "Doctor-lite." Also, there is a few seconds in Midnight that connect to Turn Left, which you will understand once you see them)
End of Time part 1&2/The Eleventh Hour
Okay, that's my little guide to Doctor Who!!!
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
I am sososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososo
excited--starting at midnight tonight, an all-day Doctor Who marathon will be on BBC America!!!!!! It will end with the Doctor Who 2010 Christmas special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can bet I'll be in front of the TV from the time the marathon starts to when I have to go to my aunt's house for Christmas :). And I'll stay up as long as it takes to see the Christmas special, as we're recording it and we probably won't get home till about 10. I don't know where the marathon is starting, or if it's only going to be the previous Christmas Special, but...I would recommend anyone reading this blog right now who is interested in starting to watch Doctor Who should watch some of this, cuz it will give at least a little background information. Look out for these episodes:
1) School Reunion
2) the Girl in the Fireplace
3) Army of Ghosts/Doosmsday
4) The Runaway Bride
5) The Shakespeare Code
6) Partners in Crime
7) The Doctor's Daughter
8) Midnight
11) Turn Left
12) The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
13) End of Time part 1 & 2
14) The Eleventh Hour
15) The Beast Below
16) Victory of the Daleks
17) Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
18) The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
These are pretty much all of my favorites--and believe me, this is only a small portion.
There aqre some I wouldn't recomend seeing without seeing others: for example, here are some that go together:
Doomsday/The Runaway Bride/Partners in Crime
Midnight/Turn Left (these two do not seem connected; in fact, they are inverse, Midnight being "companion-lite" and Turn Left being "Doctor-lite." Also, there is a few seconds in Midnight that connect to Turn Left, which you will understand once you see them)
End of Time part 1&2/The Eleventh Hour
Okay, that's my little guide to Doctor Who!!!
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
Hello! Thanks to my newest follower! It's good to finally have a follower who actually watches Doctor Who!
Speaking of that, have you seen the one...oh, what was it was in season four, let me think...I forget what it's called but it's the one where The Doctor and Donna are on vacation and that thing gets on board the shuttle bus and gets into the Doctor's know which one that is? I was just watching it, it's one of my favorites. Wasn't it good? I was really exited to see "Turn Left," but it was actually really hard to watch. Basically Donna saved everything by being Donna and turning left when her mom wanted her to go right. Wow. The other day I had a little marathon on Netflix and watched every single episode from season 4. When I saw the second episode in the season, I nearly jumped. Donna tapped on the back of a girl with blond hair and a purple jacket and said "a lady's gonna walk by, she's tall and has blonde hair, her name is Sylvia. Tell her that bin there, it will make sense to her." At first, you only see the blond girl's back, but I knew who she was even before she turned around. Rose, which of course was impossible. I already knew that she escaped the parallel universe, but I was so shocked. Then, in "The Poison Sky," you see her again, just for a second on the TARDIS's screen. And finally, on that one I was talking about in the beginning, you see Rose again, on the screen of the shuttle bus, going "Doctor! Doctor!" but his back is turned and he doesn't see her, which is depressing. Interesting, huh? I mean, even when you already know how it all turns out, it's interesting.
Anyways, it's time to go to my Grandma's house for Christmas eve. Oh--and I forgot to mention, happy solstice! Well, happy belated solstice, it was three days ago...
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
Speaking of that, have you seen the one...oh, what was it was in season four, let me think...I forget what it's called but it's the one where The Doctor and Donna are on vacation and that thing gets on board the shuttle bus and gets into the Doctor's know which one that is? I was just watching it, it's one of my favorites. Wasn't it good? I was really exited to see "Turn Left," but it was actually really hard to watch. Basically Donna saved everything by being Donna and turning left when her mom wanted her to go right. Wow. The other day I had a little marathon on Netflix and watched every single episode from season 4. When I saw the second episode in the season, I nearly jumped. Donna tapped on the back of a girl with blond hair and a purple jacket and said "a lady's gonna walk by, she's tall and has blonde hair, her name is Sylvia. Tell her that bin there, it will make sense to her." At first, you only see the blond girl's back, but I knew who she was even before she turned around. Rose, which of course was impossible. I already knew that she escaped the parallel universe, but I was so shocked. Then, in "The Poison Sky," you see her again, just for a second on the TARDIS's screen. And finally, on that one I was talking about in the beginning, you see Rose again, on the screen of the shuttle bus, going "Doctor! Doctor!" but his back is turned and he doesn't see her, which is depressing. Interesting, huh? I mean, even when you already know how it all turns out, it's interesting.
Anyways, it's time to go to my Grandma's house for Christmas eve. Oh--and I forgot to mention, happy solstice! Well, happy belated solstice, it was three days ago...
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Amelia Pond
K, remembered what I wanted to say 'bout Amy...
So, most companions are like "I want to spend the rest of my life traveling around in the TARDIS" and then get all weepy when something happens and they can't. In "The Hungry Earth," Amy sees her future self, not with the Doctor or the TARDIS, and is sort of like "oh, whatever." she's not disappointed that she won't be time-traveling ten years in the future. Why is this??? WHY?
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
So, most companions are like "I want to spend the rest of my life traveling around in the TARDIS" and then get all weepy when something happens and they can't. In "The Hungry Earth," Amy sees her future self, not with the Doctor or the TARDIS, and is sort of like "oh, whatever." she's not disappointed that she won't be time-traveling ten years in the future. Why is this??? WHY?
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Random thought time :)
Okay...random thought: How come the eleventh doctor doesn't like bananas as much as the ninth and tenth? I think it would have been funny if in The Eleventh Hour, when he's having Amelia cook all the foods for him to see what he likes in his new body, he tries a banana and doesn't like them anymore, so is all upset.
Also, I had a thought about Amy...okay I don't remember right now, but I'll check back when I remember.
Also, I had a thought about Amy...okay I don't remember right now, but I'll check back when I remember.
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hello to any Doctor Who fans out there reading this blog.
Usually I just ramble on about how awesome DW is. Any of my followers can easily understand what I'm saying, even if they don't watch the series. Even if they don't really understand what I'm talking about, they get my point.
But right now, I have a bit more of a serious point to make about Doctor Who--one that only those who watch the series will really get. If there is anyone, anywhere in the world who is reading this who watches DW, I implore you to please, please, please comment on this post. Give me your opinion on this matter--I like looking at different sides. The commenting is open to everyone, even though it won't show up at first. I have to read all comments before I can post them on the blog. But your comment, who ever you are, where ever you are, is important to me.
It's about the companions. Namely, Rose and Amy, my two favorites--although I'll touch on some of the other companions as well.
Today I watched Army of Ghosts and Doomsday--for those of you who have seen these episodes, you know what about them makes me so sad. Those are Rose's final episodes, before she is stranded in a parallel universe, never to see the Doctor again. Sure, I know she meets him again later, but it still makes me sad to see her go.
But later today I started thinking...what about Amy? What's so special about her. I mean, sure, she's got a bloody time crack in her room, but...does he really CARE about her. A few weeks ago, I would have replied in an instant: "of course he does!" I might have even said "he likes her best." But no, no, that doesn't seem true. He likes Rose a lot more, that's for sure. With Rose, for example, there are so many moments between the two of them. With Amy--not so much. I mean, sure, they're is that part in The Time of Angels where he refuses to leave her.
The Doctor: Amy Pond, you are magnificent, and I'm sorry.
Amy: It's okay, I understand. You've got to leave me.
The Doctor: Oh no, I'm not leaving you, never! I'm sorry about this! [bites her hand]
[Amy yelps and grabs her hand]
The Doctor: There, see? Not stone, now run!
Amy: You bit me!
The Doctor: Yeah, and you're alive.
Amy: Oh, I've got a mark, look at my hand!
The Doctor: And you're alive! Did I mention?
Amy: Blimey, your teeth, have you got space teeth?!
The Doctor: Yeah, alive, all I'm saying!
And that was sweet and all, but it seems like he liked seven-year-old Amelia MUCH more then twenty-one year old Amy. He even confesses "You asked me why you...well, the truth was, it was you're house...such a big house, to big for a little girl and her aunt" or something like that. So really, he was just doing that to fulfill a promise to a little girl. Amy is just so...sparky. He's not used to that, I don't think. I mean, sure, no matter how many times he tells his companions not to run off, they do, but with Amy, she really is a handful for him. And why hasn't she been given a TARDIS key? Rose, Martha, Donna, Jack...all them got TARDIS keys, why not Amy? Why doesn't he trust her? She's definitely earned it. But, the biggest thing that upsets me about Amy--the end of Flesh and Stone? I mean, most companions fall in love with the Doctor...that's to be expected. But Amy?
The Doctor: Yea—No, no, no! I'm 907, and look at me! I don't get older, I just change; you get older, I don't. And this can't ever work.
Amy Pond: Aw, you are sweet, Doctor, but I really wasn't suggesting anything quite so... long term. [kisses him against the TARDIS]
See what I mean??? What's up with her? I mean, she's a perfectly nice girl...Well, the Doctor does tell her FIANCE, Rory, in the next episode: "We were both frightened...we thought we were going to die, but we didn't..." He DID save her, I guess, which might be a bit of an explanation. Anyways, I think he loves all of his companions in different ways, some more than others. Obviously, Rose is the perfect example. He was completely in love with her. With Donna, it was more of a sister/brother relationship, I think. As he said in The End of Time, she's his best friend (though if you've noticed, he doesn't even mention her to Amy or Rory, nor does he take advantage of his timeline rewinding to see her again). With Amy, I think she's a bit like an little sister--sweet when she's little, but a bit annoying when she's older. Which is why he was so surprised when she came at him like that at the end of Flesh and Stone. Yeah, now that I think about it, it is sort of an older brother/little sister relationship; he loves her and wants to protect her, but can find her annoying at times, and won't give her his car keys. Yeah, let's go with that.
Okay, one last thing: What about Martha? He says at the end of Smith and Jones that he's not replacing her with Rose, but OF COURSE HE IS!!! IT IS SO BLOODY OBVIOUS!!! Which annoys the heck out of me. How can he try to replace Rose? Needless to say, I don't exactly like Martha.
Well, it's late, so I best be getting to sleep (actually, I'm going downstairs to watch Doctor Who, season five, episode three: The Victory of the Daleks) I sort of calmed myself down by typing my thoughts and coming to a logical conclusion (eh, I hate logic, but sometimes it can be useful). Still, if you want to comment, I urge you too. What are you're opinions on this post?
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
Friday, December 17, 2010
Winter breaaaaaaaak!!!!
TOMORROW IS THE FIRST DAY OF WINTER BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who else is super excited???
I just got my essay back and it was a B :( I worked very hard on my essay and I think it was really good, but I needed to "cite this quote" and "make this a whole paragraph." Also, apparently my conclusion did not count as a conclusion. Ahhhhhhh!!! It was a well-written essay! :(
Anyways, I've got to go
Oh yes, and thank you to Griffin for following me. I knew Griffin in elementary school. Nice to get in touch with you again, Griffin!
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
who else is super excited???
I just got my essay back and it was a B :( I worked very hard on my essay and I think it was really good, but I needed to "cite this quote" and "make this a whole paragraph." Also, apparently my conclusion did not count as a conclusion. Ahhhhhhh!!! It was a well-written essay! :(
Anyways, I've got to go
Oh yes, and thank you to Griffin for following me. I knew Griffin in elementary school. Nice to get in touch with you again, Griffin!
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
Thursday, December 16, 2010
DW Christmas Special 2010 Trailer
well, here it is!!! Awesome, right??? Isn't it going to be just awesome! And YOU can see it on BBC America on Christmas day at nine PM :)Only nine days to go! I am counting down! (Not to Christmas, to DW)
Everyone tune in! If you want any background info on the series (with almost fifty years of new episodes, the plot is pretty complicated)just comment on this post! It's going ot be hilarious, amazing, sweet, mysterious and epic, all in one!
Peace, Love, and Olympus (see, I haven't COMPLETELY forgotten PJO)
Doctor Who (for the millionth time)
I haven't talked about Doctor Who in a while, so I figured I'd have a spaz session (although I think my views have gone down since I started talking about Doctor Who).
DW has got to be the awesomest thing ever. I mean, a time-traveling 907 year old time-lord called The Doctor and one or two funny, brave, cool companions, flying through time and space in a blue phone box? WHAT COULD BE BETTER??? Yes, it's better than Star Wars, yes, it's better than Percy Jackson, and YES it is better than Harry kills me to say those things, but I know they're true. :(
I am sososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososo (you know you can tell me to stop and any time) excited for the DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a remake of A Christmas Carol :) Hang on...I'll post the trailer on the next post :) It's gonna be soooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On thanksgiving, when we were all saying what we were thankful for, you KNOW I said DW :)
DW has got to be the awesomest thing ever. I mean, a time-traveling 907 year old time-lord called The Doctor and one or two funny, brave, cool companions, flying through time and space in a blue phone box? WHAT COULD BE BETTER??? Yes, it's better than Star Wars, yes, it's better than Percy Jackson, and YES it is better than Harry kills me to say those things, but I know they're true. :(
I am sososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososo (you know you can tell me to stop and any time) excited for the DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a remake of A Christmas Carol :) Hang on...I'll post the trailer on the next post :) It's gonna be soooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On thanksgiving, when we were all saying what we were thankful for, you KNOW I said DW :)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Harry Potter rocked, and now I'm the computor lab due to a gas leak in the "gym" which is really just a huge warehouse thing.
I saw Harry Potter the day it came out but for some reason I have forgotten to tell you guys until now!!! How weird is that??? So basically it was awesome, closely followed the book (although at the point where Hermione read from The Tale of the Three Brothers I found myself going "That word isn't right" but of course that's just me), and the special effects were awesome. Anyways, I'm at school right now so I have to go. Oh wait, Coach just said we have ten minutes left. We're in the computor lab for P.E. because they're is a gas leak. Yay for the gas leak! We had to do this little project on our favorite famous athlete (I had to google famous athletes cuz i'm pretty oblivious in that area of knowledge) and then we were done, so I went on to the BBC website and looked up random Doctor Who stuff, but there was no new stuff, so I went here! Okay, well, even though we still have seven minutes left I really don't have anything left to write...sigh...everyone is looking at the randomest videos and pictures and I'm just sitting here writing my blog LOL. Most of the kids were like "what's a blog" lol OBLIVIOUS!!! They think they're so cool nd that I'm a geek but I think theyre wrong blogging is the coolest thing ever other then writing! Plus I am a geek so they have to learn to deal with it!!! Oh, I just remembered I have homework for Girl Scouts (anyone else have a Girl Scout leader who gives homework?) so I'd better get on that because we still have four minutes left and it's not like I'll have time to do it at home. Ahhhh three minutes left!
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
Peace, Love, and Olympus,
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