Thursday, October 28, 2010

A little slice of Random cake :)

So, as you can see, I changed the blog back to English. The Hebrew was starting to bug me. I am mad at my theater teacher. My mom made a dentist appointment for me in July, before I even started school or even KNEW about the after-school theater program. Today we were FINALLY working on my ONLY scene...which by the way I am needed for because it is the scene where I tragically break my ankle. Anyways, my mom came to pick me up while I was ON THE FLOOR, about to get to the rest of the scene where I'm lifted into a little toy car and driven away (it's a long story, but we didn't have a stretcher...:P) Guess teacher got mad at ME!!! She's always saying that I'm "so dedicated" and that "I'm reliable and dependable" and that "I take theater as a discipline, not just an 'easy-class.'" But now she's mad at me cuz I had to get my braces tightened. Yes, because I'd really rather be at the dentist wincing every time the lady pressed to hard and doomed to suffer for three days than be at my practice, singing and dancing with my peeps and joking around with Adi and Jill. She acts like it's MY fault! AURGGGG! But whatev. I'm over it. IM OVER IT!!!!!

Okay, so I'm kinda not over it, but I can deal.

My brother is obsessed with Avatar: The Last Airbender. Even I have to admit, it's pretty funny.

If I haven't mentioned, I'm going as Jedi for Halloween. Except my school doesn't allow "weapons" as part of a costume, and apparently blue plastic lightsabers count as "weapons." :P. Can you see me attacking someone with a lightsaber??? NO! so why...WHY...does that count as a weapon. :(

I really hate it when people misread me. It makes me feel embarrassed and ashamed...even when it's not my fault. My teachers do this a lot to me. I say something clever, and they turn it into something mistake, of course, but it still saddens me. The feeling is indescribable. It's like being sad, guilty, embarassed, angry, and ashamed, all at once, and magnified a thousand times. I just don't know what I'll do if one more person misreads me.

Dr. Who is AWESOME!!!!! I can't wait...Saturday there will be a new episode, I think!!!!!!!! There better be cuz they totally left me hanging in the last episode!!!! Anyways, in short...Dr. Who rocks.

Good books are hard to come by. I don't mean the type of good book that you'd recommend to your friend after taking about a month or so to read it. I mean the type that keeps you from sleeping at night, nags at your mind, fills you with deep curiosity and longing, until you must rise from your bed, light your lamp, and read further--and not stop until you have completed the adventure that the book brings. I mean the type of book where you would not stop reading it even if your hair was on fire.

Well, I suppose that's it for tonight. G'night, friends.
Peace, Love, and Olympus,

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